Mullengroup Building
February 2, 2015 Congratulations to 2014’s President’s Awards winners!

Mullen Trucking’s President, Ed Scherbinski, has the privilege of choosing two of Mullen’s finest to receive the President’s Award. Each year Ed is tasked with sorting through candidates who meet certain criteria which includes providing outstanding customer service, a commitment to Safety and Productivity, exemplifying what Mullen Trucking stands for and going above and beyond the everyday basics, to name a few. In the end there is one driver or owner operator and one office, shop or yard personnel chosen to receive a Bronze, the prestigious award given to each of the winners.

Congratulations to 2014’s winners; Stephane Marsolais, an Owner Operator, and Jeff Pahl our Business Development Manager.

Stephane Marsolais - PA 2014When Stephane Marsolais started as an Owner Operator it was immediately noticed by many that he had the dedication and ambition to become a leader. He takes on just about any challenge presented to him and continues to gain experience and knowledge with every opportunity. He is always willing to share his knowledge, lend a helping hand and is as dependable as they come.

Stephane’s resume at Mullen Trucking goes beyond being a truck driver. When he needed to come off the road he joined us in the office as a Permit Specialist / Translator of the French language. The experience he gained on the road made him an asset in the office, while his knowledge and commitment to his peers was immeasurable. When the time was right he traded in his desk chair for a Peterbilt seat and hasn’t looked back!

Stephane is a true professional who goes above and beyond. He has been known to cut vacations short, and give up holiday time to assist with difficult moves, sometimes in areas where many don’t speak the language. Over his 13 years with Mullen Trucking, Stephane has shown pride in his job and pride in our Company. It’s a rare occasion when you will see Stephane with a dirty tractor or trailer!

Jeff Pahl - PA 2014Jeff Pahl started with Mullen Trucking as a Customs Coordinator nearly 14 years ago. He displayed a great attitude, good work ethic and was an all around great guy. Jeff’s customer service philosophy was also noticed by many; he soon made his way to the sales department where he has become one of Mullen Trucking’s leading go to guys for quotes , over dimensional freight and general questions.

While Jeff brought previous industry knowledge with him to Mullen Trucking, he continued to learn and attend training classes where possible. In 2004 he attended Mullen Group???s own Business Management Certificate program. Jeff took a short hiatus from Mullen Trucking in??2007, but returned after three??months and has spent the last seven years growing into the role of Business Development Manager at Mullen Trucking. In 2011, Jeff??became a member of Mullen Trucking???s Executive Advisory Committee (EAC). Jeff is very knowledgeable in the ways of our industry and is always willing to teach others and lend a helping hand.

We are fortunate to have Stephane and Jeff on our team! Congratulations to both on winning the President???s Awards for 2014!

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